Wednesday, September 19, 2012

who done it? mystery game!

Your score
 is: 12, Champion detective, like a pro!
Champion detective like a Pro!

I have been doing things like this since I was really young, I used to make crime scenes with evidence and actually used my mom's eye shadow and brushes to dust fingerprints on doorknobs (surprisingly orange worked really well for me!)

My impressions of what actually occurs at a crime scene were exactly as this stimulation game had inferred. The dead body, the clues, the witnesses, the detectives, the Forensic technicians..etc. Because all of this is what actually happens at a scene, sometimes you get two, three, four or more dead bodies, which makes for extra work but, basically the same.

I thought this game was pretty easy, if you know where to look for evidence and you know what to do with the evidence that is collected, If I was taking this class as an elective for say, psychology, yes I would find it more difficult because the proper training is not there, and I would not specifically know what to do with it in different scenarios. 

I would be able to solve the crime personally, because like I said earlier in the post and class, this is what I want to do as a career. I also used to read books on ballistics of guns, pathology, fingerprints, examining a crime scene..these are the kinds of books i would buy with gift cards and take out of the library at school and in my town library.

There is always something new to learn at an active crime scene, I learned that there are always many possible explanations when it comes down to which detective was right about the suspect, my first thought was this was a two person job, almost like the female hired the male, but as I was reading the two different scenarios, I realized that only the male mentions the crowbar, a detail that only the murder would be privy to, because they would have had that knowledge, not an angry girlfriend...

I enjoyed this game alot! It gave me a break from doing the other homework that I am supposed to be doing right now, and it was very constructive!!!

test your knowledge!

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